ISOSISM® expansion joint & LRB for the A.P. Pettarani Flyover Toll Road in Makassar, Indonesia
ISOSISM® expansion joint & LRB for the A.P. Pettarani Flyover Toll Road in Makassar, Indonesia We are proud to show you the successful work of Freyssinet in contributing to Indonesia's infrastructure development in the construction of the A.P. Pettarani Elevated Toll Road in Makassar, Indonesia.
The products used in this project are Indonesian-made and have been ...
Protecting buildings from earthquake using ISOSISM® seismic devices
Protecting buildings from earthquake using ISOSISM® seismic devices Discover how the base isolation system can control earthquake impacts with Freyssinet’s ISOSISM® Lead Rubber Bearings (LRB).
In this video, see how LRBs make a difference when your building is struck by an earthquake.
In Indonesia, where seismic activity is ...
Urmărirea comportării în timp pentru silozuri – Sixense RO
Urmărirea comportării în timp pentru silozuri – Sixense RO Urmărirea comportării în timp pentru silozuri – cum se face corect, ce presupune și ce spune legislația. Detalii aici:
[Menard Asia] CMC for Serang-Panimbang Toll Road Project in Banten, Indonesia
[Menard Asia] CMC for Serang-Panimbang Toll Road Project in Banten, Indonesia Located in West Java, Indonesia, Serang-Panimbang Toll will connect three districts in Banten: Serang, Lebak, and Pandeglang Regencies. This pivotal infrastructure will not only connect tourism hotspots, but will also enhance connectivity for industries along the Jakarta-Merak Toll Road.
We extend ...
FR - On est bien chez Freyssinet - Episode 03 : Formation, la Freyssinet Academy
FR - On est bien chez Freyssinet - Episode 03 : Formation, la Freyssinet Academy Un binôme enthousiaste vous présente nos métiers ! Aujourd'hui, c'est Jérôme, formateur et animateur sécurité, & Antoine, responsable travaux, qui nous racontent ce qu'est la Freyssinet Academy, et elle ne ressemble à aucune autre académie !
👇Retrouvez toutes nos offres ...
Lyon : Freyssinet restaure les gradins de la piscine de Gerland, imaginée par Tony Garnier
Lyon : Freyssinet restaure les gradins de la piscine de Gerland, imaginée par Tony Garnier 🔵 Freyssinet a terminé en septembre 2023 ses travaux de restauration des gradins de la piscine, démarrés pendant l’été 2022.
🏊‍♀️ Répertoriée au sein des monuments historiques, cette piscine témoigne d'un projet novateur conçu par l'architecte Tony Garnier dans les ...
FR - Réservoir d’eau potable de Blanzat (63) : réhabilitation réussie !
FR - Réservoir d’eau potable de Blanzat (63) : réhabilitation réussie ! FR - Freyssinet - Chantiers - Génie Civil de l'eau
[🚧 Nos chantiers] Réservoir d’eau potable de Blanzat (63) : réhabilitation réussie !
💧 Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer la finalisation du projet de réhabilitation du réservoir des Mauvaises à Blanzat, à ...
Innovation Foreva CAC 100 | Corrosion biogénique liée à l'H2S : protégez vos bétons d'assainissement
Innovation Foreva CAC 100 | Corrosion biogénique liée à l'H2S : protégez vos bétons d'assainissement Foreva® CAC 100 est un nouveau produit éco-conçu à base d'aluminates de calcium, issu de l'innovation Sewper® Liner, codéveloppée avec Imerys.
Foreva® CAC 100 s'applique par projection d'une couche moyenne de 5 millimètres d'épaisseur sur un béton nettoyé (laitance, huile de ...
Connecting Communities in Rwanda - Bridges to Prosperity Mission 2023
Connecting Communities in Rwanda - Bridges to Prosperity Mission 2023 🌍 Nearly 250,000 people around the world have no access to essential resources because of impassable rivers or streams.
🤝 That's why we've forged a partnership with the American ORG Bridges to Prosperity.
A team of 11 dedicated volunteers from Freyssinet ...
Building bridges, building lives: story of the B2P mission
Building bridges, building lives: story of the B2P mission 👀 Experience the remarkable B2P 2023 humanitarian mission by Soletanche Freyssinet and Freyssinet. Follow the gripping story of building a bridge in Rwanda, providing a vital pathway for locals. Dive into the action with heartfelt interviews, poignant testimonials, and striking ...
[Menard Oceania] Menard Vacuum at the Port of Brisbane
[Menard Oceania] Menard Vacuum at the Port of Brisbane Check out Menard's ground improvement works at the Port of Brisbane using our innovative Menard Vacuum technique.
Feel free to visit our website to learn more about the Menard Vacuum or our other Ground Improvement techniques
Gender Equality by Terre Armée - Lauren's Portrait
Gender Equality by Terre Armée - Lauren's Portrait At Terre Armée, we believe that empowering your team means including women.
Throughout this year 2023, several actions will be lead and implemented within Terre Armée Group and its business units as part of the program Equality by Terre Armée. ...

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