Sixense monitors the condition and behavior of structures and infrastructures. This makes construction and operation safer, while optimizing maintenance.
Presentation and key figures
Sixense is an international company that provides a unique and complete range of consulting and on-site services, as well as data management capabilities to build and manage infrastructure projects.
Our monitoring, diagnosis and modeling capabilities enable our customers to take the pulse of their infrastructures in order to better understand and sustain their performance throughout their lifecycle.
Our four specialties (Engineering, Monitoring, Digital and Mapping) cover the entire infrastructure lifecycle, from design & build to operate & maintain, to decommissioning.
Digital technologies and advanced data management capabilities are the basis of our technical expertise, which we use to assist clients with their digital transformation.
Sixense operates in many market segments such as airports, dams, buildings, wind and nuclear power, engineering structures, rail and road networks, and urban engineering.
Essentials 2024
Guillaume Billaroch2024-07-03T18:19:42+02:0024 June 2024|
The Essential 2023
admin30802023-09-22T09:31:42+02:0021 September 2023|
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As we wanted to make our CSR project a true enterprise-wide initiative, we have designed our approach in collaboration with all our internal stakeholders: employees, management, experts ...
Véritable projet structurant pour l'entreprise, nous avons pensé notre démarche RSE de façon collaborative avec l'ensemble de nos parties prenantes internes : salariés, Direction, experts ...
Notre objectif, demander à chacune ce que signifie pour elle d’être une femme au sein de Sixense. Dans ...
The original and unique design of our systems gives them unparalleled intervention flexibility, unlimited modularity and the ability ...
Découvrez leur ...
For more information visit our website: https://www.sixense-group.com/en/offer/monitoring/soil-structural-and-environmental-measurement/beyond-monitoring
A travers son témoignage, Guillaume nous partage son parcours alliant vie professionnelle, personnelle et compétition sportive. Il nous parle également de l’accompagnement de Sixense dont il a bénéficié ...
Beyond Asset est la solution d'asset management permettant de connaître et suivre vos infrastructures dans le temps pour optimiser leurs exploitations. De l’inventaire à la maintenance, en passant par le diagnostic, Beyond Asset ...
Beyond Asset is the asset management solution that allows you to know and monitor your infrastructure over time in order to optimise their operations. From inventory to maintenance, via diagnosis, Beyond Asset helps you ...
Nos solutions accélèrent l’innovation et la transformation digitale pour piloter la qualité, garantir la sécurité, optimiser et maîtriser la complexité des opérations.
La valorisation de vos ...
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